




北京新首钢大桥 (图片来源:新华社)

China will fully implement its commitment to nationally determined contributions (NDCs) on climate change under the Paris climate agreement despite the coronavirus outbreak, according to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment.生态环境部表示,我国将克服新冠肺炎疫情影响,坚决完成《巴黎气候协定》中承诺的气候变化国家自主贡献目标。


国家自主贡献(nationally determined contributions)指根据《联合国气候变化框架公约(the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change)》缔约方会议相关决定,提出的中国应对气候变化的强化行动和措施(enhanced actions and measures on climate change)。


By 2020 it will lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40% to 45% from the 2005 level, increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to about 15% and increase the forested area by 40 million hectares and the forest stock volume by 1.3 billion cubic meters compared to the 2005 levels.到2020年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降40%-45%,非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右,森林面积比2005年增加4000万公顷,森林蓄积量比2005年增加13亿立方米。


To achieve the peaking of carbon dioxide emissions around 2030 and making best efforts to peak early;二氧化碳排放2030年左右达到峰值并争取尽早达峰;

To lower carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 60% to 65% from the 2005 level;单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放比2005年下降60%-65%;

To increase the share of non-fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to around 20%;非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到20%左右;

To increase the forest stock volume by around 4.5 billion cubic meters on the 2005 level.森林蓄积量比2005年增加45亿立方米左右。


China’s carbon emission reduction will not change with the occurrence of the epidemic and China would “100%” fulfil its NDC commitment.中国的碳减排行动不会因为疫情而改变,会百分百履行国家自主贡献承诺。


Air quality in the country continued to improve, with 337 cities at and above the prefecture-level recording good air quality on an average of 82 percent days last year.2019年,我国空气质量持续改善,全国337个地级及以上城市优良天数平均达到82%。

Carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP fell 4.1 percent in 2019 from the previous year, meeting the country's annual target.2019年单位国内生产总值二氧化碳排放同比下降4.1%,完成年度预期目标。


空气质量指数 air quality index

沙尘天气 sand and dust weather

可吸入颗粒物 PM10

可入肺颗粒物 PM2.5

颗粒物质 particulate matter

建筑扬尘 construction dust

道路扬尘 road dust

汽车排放 vehicle emission
